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Welcome to the UNGMWelcome to the United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM), the official procurement platform of the UN system.
Strategic Plan 2022–2025 | UNDPDriving the future of development.
Privacy Notice | United NationsThis notice applies to all websites within the UN.ORG domain name (“UN websites”). Your privacy and the protection of personal data are important to the United Nations (UN). This data protection and privacy notice descri
Universal Declaration of Human Rights | United NationsA milestone document in the history of human rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights set out, for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally protected. It has been translated into over 500 langu
Best Company for International Educational Tours, Educational TripsWe are the best company for International educational tours. If you are planning abroad educational trips, contact us for affordable educational tour packages.
US vetoes Algerian resolution demanding immediate ceasefire in Gaza |The UN Security Council met again in emergency session in New York on Gaza Tuesday, where the United States vetoed a resolution put forward on behalf of Arab States by Algeria demanding “an immediate humanitarian ceasefi
About UsThe World Tourism Organization (UN Tourism) is the United Nations agency responsible for the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism.
News | International Disability AllianceThe International Disability Alliance (IDA) offers some reflections on a successful and busy period in 2024, marking a year of advancements and impact in our core work of advocacy, capacity building and movement strength
Events | International Disability AllianceMay 14, 2024 - 3:00am to 5:00am | Past event
UNESCO - WikipediaUNESCO is governed by the General Conference composed of member states and associate members, which meets biannually to set the agency's programs and budget. It also elects members of the executive board, which manages U
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